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Reach a whole new level with strategic retargeting

The online world is filled with constant noise so getting your customer’s attention can be difficult. With the effective use of retargeting, we take away the random elements of trying to convert a customer by specifically targeting people based on a number of factors including their display of interest at some point.

Getting your retargeting strategy right can be challenging - our team of experts work alongside you to understand your goals before determining the best solution for your unique needs. We offer a range of services including Facebook and Google based solutions.

The process involves us tracking the users who have visited your site by dropping a ‘cookie’ (not the edible kind). Once that person leaves your site, they’ll then be presented with ads based on specific parameters so they’re seeing content based on what they’ve previously viewed on your site.

The key benefits of retargeting include:

  • Targeting clients who haven’t finished their purchase or viewed specific products on your site
  • Improving conversion rates by tailoring your marketing to clients who are ‘warm leads’
  • The ability to test numerous client engagement strategies to determine what works best for your target market

Retargeting can be an incredibly powerful tool for your business when used effectively. Woven is committed to working with our clients on a long-term basis to generate the best possible results.

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